What Do Hair Growth Patterns Mean For You?

Hair growth patterns are different for everyone and they can be a sign of male/female pattern baldness. This type of baldness is usually genetic, and some people opt for hair implantation, extensions, or wigs to compensate for this hair loss. These patterns happen on all hair colors, textures, and races, and super curly hair is no exception. But what do hair growth patterns really mean for you? Here are some things to consider about hair growth patterns:


As we get older, our hair growth tends to slow down. Our body’s hormones and genetics play a role in this sluggishness. Approximately 85% of men and 40% of women will have significantly thinner hair by the age of 50. Similarly, our body’s ability to fight infections and heal wounds slows down with age. Hence, the normal hair growth rate will slow down and become slower, and we will be more prone to hair breakage.


Molecular profiling has revealed changes in many metabolic pathways associated with hair growth inhibition caused by central carbon metabolism in cancer. Metabolic gene expression was altered in numerous pathways, including nicotinamide and purine metabolism. There was also significant alteration in ABC transporters and glycerophospholipid metabolism. The analysis identified 97 differentially expressed genes associated with metabolism in the skin of the CRS group.

Hormone balance

Hormone balance and are linked to changes different hair growth pattern in body hormones. You may notice that your hair grows faster or slower than usual, or it may become thinner or thicker. A woman may experience these changes as well as weight changes and fatigue. You may also notice changes in the texture of your hair. If you notice these changes, then you may be experiencing a hormonal imbalance. To help you understand the relationship between hormone balance and different hair growth patterns, keep reading.


Hair growth patterns vary by ethnicity. The skull of Caucasians and Asians is different from those of Europeans and other Asians, and the proportion of hair strands per person varies from ethnic group to ethnic group. In addition, hair of different races grows at varying speeds and is of different density. However, both men and women are affected by similar factors. Nevertheless, differences are still significant. Here are some common ethnicities and how they differ in hair growth.


Everyone has a hair whorl on their crown. The direction in which they grow is opposite to the rest of their hair. Most people have one whorl, but some people have up to three. To grow hair correctly, you should cut the hair in the dominant whorl. If you have more than one whorl, you can cut your hair in either direction. If you have an uneven hair growth pattern, you can cut it in a different direction to avoid having it look wavy or curly.