The Science Behind CBD Oil as a Pain Reliever

The world of physical pain is a mystery. It’s a deep, dark unpleasant enigma with no right answer. Unfortunately, pain is also subjective meaning that what eases the hurt for one person may not necessarily work for someone else. The human quest to ease suffering for millions has revealed a previously unknown system in the body along with a seemingly simple plant compound which apparently offers relief from a quandary of symptoms. People around the world are finding relief with CBD oil for pain.

How CBD Works in the Body

When using CBD oil for pain it is important to use a natural or naturally derived product. CBD oil is most often derived from the hemp plant, but it can also be manufactured in a laboratory. High-quality, naturally derived CBD oil acts as a natural anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and also has analgesic effects in the human body. While more human studies are needed, research is showing strong evidence that CBD oil can be used safely and effectively for pain management.

CBD works by stimulating the body’s endocannabinoid system to promote homeostasis. The endocannabinoid system is an intricate network which is heavily involved in the complexities of pain regulation, immune system response, and even sleep. Rather than attaching to receptors in the body like other pain relievers, CBD stimulates the endocannabinoid system by activating the receptors responsible for regulating pain and inflammation. It also encourages the inhibition of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase (FAAH) which is partially responsible for the neural generation of receptors that control pleasure and motivation.

Using CBD Oil for Pain Relief

Since CBD works by using the body’s own system, many are finding success using CBD oil for pain without the side effects. It is an attractive alternative to other marketed medications, and it comes in many different forms. Topical products with CBD oil for pain can treat a range of conditions from sore achy muscles to inflammation and arthritis. There are also other forms of CBD oil for pain that are typically ingested by mouth. CBD oil for pain is available in tinctures that go under the tongue, drinkable water solubles, and edible candies along with massage oils and saves.

People are finding success using CBD oil for chronic pain management, neuropathic pain, and other physical ailments such as migraines. Many promising studies are emerging from the National Cancer Institute, the National Institutes of Health, and even the American Headache Society touting the benefits of this natural compound. Using CBD oil for pain provides a healthy alternative without the risk of physical dependence increasing the demand for this remarkable product.

The Evolving World of Pain Relief

The science of using CBD oil for pain is constantly evolving. While it is currently not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), known side effects are minimal to non-existent. This also means that dosages are not regulated and should be discussed with a physician. That said, current science suggests that CBD oil for pain is not only viable and effective, but safe. Just be sure to purchase a high-quality product that is naturally derived from the hemp plant and not manufactured in a facility.