How to write an essay for a creative project?

Schoolchildren encounter the concept of “creative project” in the lessons of art and technology in primary school. The older they get, the more diverse the topics of the projects. In my study years, I preferred to contact professionals who can write a paper for me at WritingAPAper online. In this article, we will analyze the general concepts of a creative project, what is its essence, what is its structure, purpose, and objectives, and also tell you about its design.

What is a creative project? 

A creative project is a form of final independent work of a student. It is intended to demonstrate the acquired knowledge and skills of the student as a result of the completed course. Creative projects can also be created to participate in research conferences. In addition to developing the project itself, it is necessary to write an explanatory note, prepare a presentation and a speech.

There are different forms of creative projects and they depend on a particular educational institution and discipline. Most often these are essays, sketches, the construction of a model, the development of a technological process. In creative directions – drawings, photographs, the composition of musical works.

In modern projects, Internet resources are actively used to create a website, blog, and communities in social media for educational activities.

A creative project involves the creation of a new product that meets human needs and has demand. It can be either a finished product or a socially useful result obtained as a result of the project.

Most modern projects related to the development of technological processes, the manufacture of new products, are aimed at improving the environmental situation. In this case, it is necessary to analyze how production will affect the level of environmental pollution, whether it is possible to reuse product parts and production waste.

What is the purpose of the creative project?

Each project has a theme, purpose, and objectives. The goal of any project is positive changes in the artificial environment surrounding a person. It is necessary to create something new or improve an existing one to a very noticeable effect. The new product must be competitive and meet modern human needs.

Work on the implementation of the project contributes to the realization of creative abilities of students, the development of logical and analytical thinking, organizational skills, consolidation of technical knowledge and skills. This means that in the process of working on the project, students practice the skills of using the acquired theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and personal qualities to invent and manufacture a new socially significant product.

Each project has its individual goal. It can be described as an ideal planned result (model creation, outcome, conclusion), which the student wants to achieve in the process of creative work with the use of certain technologies. The formulation of the goal should be competent and specific. This will help in the future at the stage of setting tasks.

Here is a simple algorithm describing the structure of the goal-setting:

Find a verb that describes what needs to be done (create, develop, test, manufacture, construct, modernize, perform, improve, explore, learn, find out, draw, compose, etc.).

Attach the name of the product (object) that is being worked on.

To supplement the description with one or more of the characteristics of the object:

  • what is its use;
  • where can I apply;
  • who is it intended for;
  • in honor of what event was created;
  • what is it made of;
  • according to what technology it is made.


After the student has decided on the topic of the project and its purpose, you can proceed to set tasks. The definition of tasks is a careful consideration of a step-by-step plan of work on the project.

This includes collection and analysis of preliminary information, preparation of the workplace, materials and tools (if necessary), step-by-step organization of the process of working on the creation of the product.

To define the tasks of the project, one should ask the question: “What needs to be done to achieve the goal?”

When designing a project, these tasks are described in such phrases:

  • think through;
  • to write;
  • to find;
  • pick up;
  • spend;
  • mount;
  • study;
  • to collect;
  • test;
  • learn;
  • choose;
  • to determine;
  • analyze, etc.


When working on a project, there are four main stages: preparatory, design, technological, and final. This division corresponds to the structure of the workflow and helps to organize it correctly.

Let’s consider the content of each of them.


At the preparatory stage, it is necessary:

  • select the problem, topic, and name of the project within which the work will be carried out;
  • define the purpose and objectives;
  • justify the relevance of the topic — what is the attraction of this topic, what benefits will the result of the project bring, its practical application, what economic and environmental value it has;
  • to think over the optimal solution of the tasks set;
  • develop a detailed plan for their implementation.;
  • calculate possible material costs.

Design stage

  • It is also called the planning stage. It assumes the following sequence of actions:
  • collect and analyze a sufficient amount of information for the implementation of the project;
  • to study the technologyof creating the intended object, to carry out the necessary calculations;
  • if we are talking about creating a physical object, prepare a technological map that contains the sequence of operations, technical conditions, necessary equipment, a list of materials and tools used, a sketch of the product and safety;
  • choose a way to demonstrate the results (text, graphic, in the form of a presentation, video recording, etc.);
  • think over the criteria for evaluating the project result.

Final stage

At the final stage, it is advisable to test the object, make sure that it is fully ready for delivery.

Write an economic justification for the project (how profitable or low-cost it is, whether it brings profit).

To prove its environmental friendliness (how harmless it is to the environment, whether it contributes to saving natural resources).

The project should be completed with a conclusion about the project’s compliance with the set goals and objectives.

Design the project following the requirements.

Prepare a visual presentation of the project results.

Take part in the discussion and defense of the project.

Critically evaluate the results of the project, if necessary, make suggestions for its improvement or suggest an alternative way to solve the problem. You can check out good customer feedback examples if you still have some questions left.