How Can Offices Stay Up-to-Date on Security Threats?

The office security landscape is constantly evolving, so it can be challenging to stay on top of all the security news, be alert to potential threats, and learn the latest security trends. However, offices must stay up-to-date on security threats to protect the workplace, employees, and customers.

More people rely on the digital world today, making them vulnerable to security threats. Hackers target organizations with lower security measures and plant attacks to steal confidential data. Unfortunately, these security threats can significantly affect an office. The good news is staying up-to-date on security threats can keep you and your workplace safe. Learn how to stay up-to-date below.

Subscribe to Security News

The best way to stay cautious is by educating yourself about the latest security news. Look for a magazine or website that continuously updates its audience about the latest security threats. This can help you understand what types of threats are prevalent and how to protect your company

Keeping up-to-date with the latest security vulnerabilities can prepare you for potential attacks and allow you to alert your employees in advance. Look for a site that offers content with expert insights and analysis to ensure you consume helpful information.

Host Employee Training Programs

Employees play a significant role in a business’s fight against cybercrime, as a lack of knowledge can result in an employee becoming the target of an attack. The Federal Information Security Educators (FISSEA) recommend addressing the “human factors by cultivating an informed and proactive workforce.” A presentation by specialists in the security industry revealed that 35 percent of data breaches were attributed to human error or negligence.

Your employees can help keep the workplace safe with proper information and support. Since your employees can significantly contribute to your organization’s security, it’s important to implement training programs and encourage them to participate. This involves training about the latest threats, how to deal with them, and who to report potential threats to when identified.

Upgrade the Physical Security System

Although many security threats occur on virtual platforms, it does not mean your office is always safe. Many potential hackers may enter your building to observe your work environment and look for vulnerabilities. They may also steal confidential information stored in the office, resulting in a data breach, which can affect your company, employees, and customers.

Prevent office security threats by upgrading your physical security system. This involves changing door locks if you haven’t in a long time, disabling old employee entry cards, and implementing the latest security technologies. One card system that will enhance security at your workplace is a proximity card. Look into companies that offer the latest security ID cards and find out where to buy proximity cards in your area. Proximity cards are a helpful security tool as it limits unauthorized access to a building and allow you to track who is entering and exiting.

Update Virtual Security Platforms

Many rely on virtual platforms for daily activities, such as storing customer data, communicating with other employees, and processing payments. Hackers view this as an opportunity to invade the work system through various cybersecurity threats, such as phishing, malware, password, and man-in-the-middle attacks.

There are a few steps you can take to update virtual security platforms. Start by installing the latest software for your apps, as many companies frequently upgrade the apps to ensure that customers are protected from threats. You can also update passwords and enable multi-factor authentication, which requires the user to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to a computer or application.