In simple terms, liposuction is a surgery that is mainly used to reduce body fat. It is one of a kind cosmetic surgery that is quite popular today as it is an effective solution to maintain a perfect body shape. Liposuction treatment helps people not only to get rid of excess unwanted fat from their body, but even transfers the fat tissues to the body parts to alter the body shape and look beautiful.
In Orlando, you can visit expert dermatologists ready to do liposuction surgery. You can know more about the treatment’s effectiveness and whether it is perfect for your weight loss plans by visiting their website, The dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons will guide you to choose the right liposuction treatment.
Advanced medical technology is used to suction fat cells from the body where it is in excess. It isn’t any complicated surgery thus only general anesthesia is given while the treatment is carried on by a skilled cosmetic surgeon. You don’t have to get tensed as the surgeon will make the smallest incision to insert medical equipment shaped like a tube called Cannula that reaches the specific space where there is the need to suction out the fat cells.
A vacuum technique is used to fully extract the fat cells outside. Actually, different types of liposuction procedures are available. One among them is chosen after examining certain facts like the medical condition of the patient and the number of fat cells to be extracted.
The effects of liposuction:
- It lasts longer like for many years. That is the reason why it is a popular way of reducing body weight.
- It gives a natural shape to the body without the sagging of skin, thus a great way to gain good body shape.
- Minimal side effects if you follow the dermatologist’s instructions carefully.
Another benefit of liposuction is that the fatty tissues can be transferred to the other parts of the body where there is a need to enhance its shape. The fat cells are purified and then injected into the area. Then massaging helps to evenly spread the cells. The common areas where the fat tissues are inserted are breasts, thighs, back, belly, buttocks and face.
Benefits of fat transfer:
- It is an autologous approach as the person’s own fat cells are transferred to their part of the body where it is needed.
- There are marginal chances of being affected by infection.
- The recovery time is quite short thus no need to rest for a longer time.
The lasting of fat transfer:
Even though some fat cells are absorbed by the body, the transferred cells remain in place for a longer time. Sometimes the surgeon will insert extra fat cells to gain the desired result of fuller shape. It is generally an outpatient procedure thus no worries of spending many hours in the hospital. The recovery time depends upon many factors like the person’s age, the number of fat cells inserted in the specific area and the number of places the fat transfer was done by the surgeon.
Hence, without any second thoughts, you can have liposuction fat transfer done with the help of an experienced dermatologist in Orlando.