Finding the Right Commercial Refrigerators for Your Business

Finding the right commercial fridge for your business can be a daunting task. There are many options available, and you want to ensure that any refrigerator you choose is the most appropriate choice, not only for now but also for future needs. Follow these seven factors when making your decision:

1) Get To Know Your Current Needs

Understand what you are currently using the fridge for. Is the fridge mainly used for beverages? Do you use it as a prep station, with trays of prepared food inside? Understanding your needs will help you choose the right appliance.

2) Know How Many People You Serve

How many people do you serve? The number of people your commercial refrigeration is designed to serve will determine how big or small the fridge should be. Also, if you plan to expand or grow, having an appropriate-sized fridge now could save you money in the long run.

3) Assess What You Store in The Fridge

What kind of food and drink do you store in your fridge? Knowing what you store in the fridge now will help you plan for future needs and determine how much space is necessary to accommodate all your items.

4) Choose The Right Refrigerator for Your Business’s Layout

Where is the space for your refrigerator going to be located with where you and your employees will need access? The location of a commercial fridge needs to suit both practicality and aesthetics. Ideally, it should provide easy access while also looking great in the designated space.

5) Take Inventory of Your Existing Equipment

What do you currently have to help you store and display your food? Will the new refrigerator work with or replace these items? Make a list of all the equipment you have now. As you research fridges, keep in mind what will be compatible with the different models to plan accordingly.

6) Look At the Operating Costs of Different Refrigerators

How much electricity will your new refrigerator use? How often will you need to purchase replacement parts or replace the appliance? What are the initial costs of each option, and how much will it cost to maintain them both? Look at this information for all models on which you are considering splurging.

7) Decide If You Want to Buy or Lease

There are many different models available for you to lease or purchase. Research the cost of each to determine which option will be most financially viable for your business. Also, consider if leasing is right for you at all. Sometimes it might make more sense to buy an expensive commercial refrigerator outright instead of paying a monthly fee.

Once you have taken a look at your current needs, taken inventory of all your equipment, and considered factors for operating costs, it is time to research the available options. Take a look at all of the commercial refrigerators side-by-side to make an informed decision about which one will best suit your company’s needs. Understanding the role of a commercial refrigerator and knowing how to choose the right one for your company will help you get more out of your kitchen and save money in the long run.