Downloading and Installing JavaScript Syntax Checker

The projects start with demonstrating simple concepts, such as drawing a simple square, but evolve quickly into presenting more complex concepts, such as working with user-defined coordinate systems and implementing pixel-accurate collision detection. Initially, as you have experienced in building the first HTML5 application, you will be guided with detailed steps and complete source code listings.

As you become familiar with the development environment and the technologies, the guides and source code listings accompanying each project will shift to highlight on the important implementation details. Eventually, as the complexity of the projects increases, the discussion will focus only on the vital and relevant issues, while straightforward source code changes will not be mentioned. The final code base, which you will have developed incrementally over the course of the book, is a complete and practical game engine; it’s a great platform on which you can begin building your own 2D games.

This is exactly what the last chapter of the book does, leading you from the conceptualization to design to implementation of a casual 2D game. There are several ways for you to follow along with this book. The most obvious is to enter the code into your project as you follow each step in the book. From a learning perspective, this is the most effective way to absorb the information presented; however, we understand that it may not be the most realistic because of the amount of code or debugging this approach may require.


Alternatively, we recommend that you run and examine the source code of the completed project when you begin a new section. Doing so lets you preview the current section’s project, gives you a clear idea of the end goal, and lets you see what the project is trying to achieve. You may also find the completed project code useful when you have problems while building the code yourself, because you can compare your code with the completed project’s code during difficult debugging situations